About the Series
The Thirteen Kingdoms of the Misplaced Mercenaries universe create what a standard fantasy world might look like if you pantsed it, set it on fire, and kicked it into a pigpen full of switchblade-armed rattlesnakes.
Mercenaries, sorcerers, and royals butt heads and stab backs in their pursuit of empire and control, or just a simple tankard of ale in a quiet tavern.
Full of snark, fun, and laughs, this book series will keep you entertained and leave you happier for having read it.
All Hail the Kin
By Ethan A. Cooper

Once a year, Tyrac asks Leila to marry him.
Once a year, she answers, “No.”
She has no choice. She and Tyrac are Kin, and the Kin have rules.
Rules written by the gods themselves.
As a priestess, Leila has dedicated her entire life to the reclusive Kin and the forgotten gods they worship. Even if it means enforcing their brutal dictates. Even if it means she can’t be with the man she loves. Despite his fractured faith in the gods, there’s little Tyrac won’t do for Leila. But after years of compliance for Leila’s sake, Tyrac finds himself unable to turn a blind eye to her violent deeds.
As their relationship crumbles, the two are selected to undertake a quest few have taken, and even fewer have survived. They must leave the safety of their home and travel across the treacherous expanse of Andos in search of a hidden, underground city in a far-off realm. Along with an elegant warrior princess, a temple librarian, a newly converted outsider, and two bratty teenagers, Leila and Tyrac find themselves far from home and pursued across unfamiliar land by ex-Kin intent on subverting their mission at any cost.
The journey will test Leila and Tyrac like never before, forcing them to confront the countless dangers of the outside world, the truth of the Kin, and the devastating reality of how far they are willing to go for what they believe, and for each other.

Author Biography
Ethan A. Cooper was born and raised in southern California, cutting his teeth on a steady diet of Transformers and Robotech, superhero comic books, sci-fi/horror movies, and scary radio dramas like The War of the Worlds and X Minus One.
These interests progressed, leading him to create comic books on 6×9 lined steno pads with friends, write serial fantasy on pre-Internet bulletin board systems, and collaborate on short horror stories with his brother. Eventually, he wanted to tell longer tales. His first novel, What Happened On My Space Vacation, is a sci-fi adventure for the teenager inside all of us. Other published works include the clown horror compilation Phildlestix/Phidlestixx/Phidlestixxx, the children’s fantasy story Songquest, and Angel Descending, the first of the epic sci-fi Downfall series.
While he plots perilous situations for his characters to endure and creates digital art, he enjoys living in East Texas with his wife and their three children.