What is the Gordian?

Writers like to talk about how nutty their search histories are. How we’re probably all on FBI watch lists and our spouses would run in fear if it weren’t for…

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Living Forever

I have a somewhat arbitrary goal of writing a minimum of twenty books before I stop, and given the low bar for the job, that likely means when I die.…

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Dear Fantasy Advice

Dear Fantasy Advice, I am a pixie living in Tolgara. I’m married to a strong sprite from what I thought was a good family. I’ve loved him since the instant…

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No, You Are NOT the Asshole

Lena and I climbed out of the car in the restaurant parking lot. “Take a look at this.” I indicated the car parked across two spaces right next to us.…

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What to do with a Handful of Stress

“How bad does it hurt? One to ten.” I hate turning abstract concepts into other, unrelated abstract concepts. “I don’t know. What number is between screaming and fainting?” “Eight.” “Huh.”…

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Foul-Mouthed Redemption

This will be difficult for some people to understand, but in my family, I was frequently the target of derision because I was considered soft and naïve. I was never…

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